Salem Keizer School Logo

Community Resource Trust Is partnering with the the School Innovation Collaboration Project. The School Innovation Collaboration Project involves the community and the Salem-Keizer School District and serves high-need and highly diverse schools in the Salem Keizer School District. This

program supports increasing graduation rates in these schools, which are the most diverse in the

district, and the state, and most students often face obstacles to graduation. Reasons for not

graduating on time, or at all include:

  • Unmotivated students
  • Students unable to complete the work
  • Excessive absences
  • Credit deficiency
  • Failing current classes
  • Students who have just given up
  • No parent support

The School Innovation Collaboration Program involves community partners who provide technical

support and financial support to address this problem. The goal is to address these barriers to

graduation early on, especially when they are predictable. A key strategy is for the school staff to

get to know their students and families, and to understand what may be keeping from graduating on

time. Many of the students at these schools are typically the first generation in their family to

graduate from high school, and research has shown that when one finishes high school, the

likelihood of siblings completing high schools grows exponentially. This is true equity work and an

effective method of leveling the playing field and paving a bright future for all students. We know

some need more support, and even customized support to succeed, and this is exactly what the

school innovation partnership is about. It calls on adults to see kids differently and to value their

role in their success and future.

As a result of this work, the schools saw graduation rates increase by 10 percentage points in the

first year. They have maintained a high graduation rate since then, helping many more students –

particularly underserved historically and/or first generation – walk across the finish line every year.